
Tuesday 15 September 2009

Super Vs Battle

So after a long weekend Super VS Battle has ended, the three day event held here in the UK was host to tournaments on many games.
Included in the line up was of course was KOFXII for the first time in a UK major tournament.

I turned up fairly late on the first day due to work, but check out Gunsmith's video via Orochinagi for his report on day1.

The second day of the event was for the initial group stages and elimination rounds of KOFXII, 32 players total fighting for the top 8 spots for the next day's finals.
Sadly it doesn't seem like there were many European players this time around, the bulk of the entries for XII seemed to be UK players.
I'm not sure whether this was due to not being able to make it or whether they are not playing it.

The top 8 spots after the first day of KOFXII are as follows:
1: TIM119
2: Shin Rickyo
3: MichelS
4: Prodigal Son
5: Kaworu
6: DobiqWolf
7: Robocop2
8: Kusogaki

The next day the top 8 players were paired up to play against each other best out of three.
Unfortunately due to time constraints the Quarter finals were not played on stage, and i was pretty dissapointed about this.

In the end the results were:
1. Tim119
2. Robocop2
3. MichelS
4. Kaworu

Well done to the winners and particularly Kaworu who started playing later than the rest of us here in London. I'm sure tournament vids will surface soon enough, i didn't get the chance to do any filming myself though.

In the end it was an enjoyable event, and am looking forward to the next one!

Edit: First of the vids has surfaced, via Gunsmith's youtube channel, the Final between Tim119 and Robocop2.

Another vid recorded by Neoempire user Mesh:

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