
Friday 28 May 2010

Arcadia Special - KOFXIII Players Guide

Enterbrain TV's youtube channel has just uploaded two new videos, titles the 'Arcadia Special KOFXIII Player's Guide'.

I've not managed to watch it all yet, but from what i gather the first half features interviews whilst the second features matches.


Thursday 20 May 2010

SNK Wednesday / KOFXIII - Extended Intro/Promo Vid.

As part of working on building up the SNK Fighting Game community in the UK, i've started up a weekly online meet up for players in the UK for every Wednesday evening in NeoEmpire's chatroom.

There is no set game to be played at these meet ups, people can join the chat room and request challenges for whatever they want to play. Though judging from the test run we did yesterday KOF98UM (Xbox360), and KOF02 (GGPO) seem to be the popular choices.

Right now the planned time/date for the next one is:

Wednesday 26th May, starting from about 8pm and ending about 12am, and to take place in NeoEmpire's chatroom.

In other news SNKP have released an extended version of the intro/promo video, which also show the first clips of K' and Kula, check it out below:

Wednesday 12 May 2010

Arcadia May 2010 DVD / Neo Geo Heroes: Ultimate Shooting / Metal Slug XX

As i mentioned in the previous blog entry the May 2010 issue of Arcadia came with a free dvd showing various Neo Geo clips, clips from the KOF02UM Arcadia Cup, and clips from the KOF:SkyStage event.

I've finally figured out how to rip dvds (albeit it taking a lot of hours to do, not very good at this kinda stuff), so i've started to upload the Neo Geo 20th Anniversary 77 clips.
So far i've uploaded clips 1-35.

I'll continue splitting the file when i next get the chance (possibly tonight), so i'll upload the remaining clips as well as the Arcadia Cup and SkyStage footage.

I also managed to find a file for the 'All About SNK' documentary, which was released a couple of years ago, it's all in Japanese though and the video quality isn't great.I'm reluctant to buy the original DVD at this point in time (it's pretty expensive, at around £30+ for a second hand copy), so for now if i do decide to upload it bare in mind the quality wont be great.

In other news, there's been a promotional video released for Neo Geo Heroes: Ultimate Shooting.

The release date has also been set to July 29th, and preorders will come with a CD soundtrack.
Check out the official website for more screenshots and information.

And one last thing before i finish up this entry, Metal Slug XX has been given a release date and price for it's XBox Live Arcade release for the 19th May 2010 and will cost 1200MS Points.

I'm not sure if that's the global release date but as far as i know MS tend to update all stores at once if it's receieving a global release. Fairly expensive for a SNKP game, compared to older titles, so i'm not sure myself whether i'll get this one.

Tuesday 11 May 2010

Arcadia Magazine - June 2010 - A Quick Look.

Another month and another issue of Arcadia has popped through the letter box.

As you can tell from the cover this issue is dedicated to Super Street Fighter IV, which has just been released on consoles (and apparently will be released in the arcades at some point too).

As with the previous issue the magazine opens with a double spread featuring Mai Shiranui, and then two pages of adverts showing KOF Portable 94-98: Orochi Chapter, and King of Fighters 2002 UM: Tougeki Edition.

The section dedicated to SSF4 starts off with an interview with Yoshinori Ono, then goes into a section about the new characters with flowcharts and combos, other bits and bobs about the system, and player impressions from Daigo/Riki/Tokido&others.

Anyways i don't really want to go on too much about SSF4 as this site isn't really dedicated to it.

Onto the SNKP stuff!

This issue shows the latest three additions (at the time of print) to the cast, Vice/Takuma/Hwa Jai, given that K' and Maxima were only shown recently i don't think we'll see them until next issue.
The bulk of this section as you can see is made up of screenshots, a small character profile for each of the new characters, a small Q&A, and a couple of screen shots of the Women's Team.

Something i found interesting on the next page is whilst they mention the new systems for this KOF, they mention something called 'Target Action'. The screen shots show Ash doing crouch Ax2 > his ballerina kick (sorry i can't remember the input), which doesn't really seem like anything new to me?

Maybe it's not new, but they just decided to give it a name. I have no idea.

Other things of interest(??) include screenshots showing Benimaru in a topless costume, some returning and new moves, and a picture of Robert in Terry colours and Terry in Robert colours.

Apologies for the next set of images being rotated the wrong way, i can't seem to get them to upload correctly, and it seems a bit of a waste to leave them out. If i get the chance later on tonight i'll try and sort them out or figure out why they are uploading incorrectly.

(I found this caricature of Kukino hilarious)

(This looks like some kind of strip(???) Sudoku game for Japanese mobile phones)

(Fan Art - Metal Slug)

(Fan Art - The gorgeous B.Jenet)

(Game character Idol section - Cham Cham)

Other bits and pieces this issue include a section regarding Taiwan VS Japan in KOF, as well as small blurbs about KOF communities around the world, and some info about Duelling the KOF.

As usual this month's issue can be bought at Playasia for about £10.76, or you can get the next issue at a slightly reduced price via subscription.

In other news i've recently acquired (or waiting for them to arrive) some new KOF artbooks and other bits and pieces, which i'll be doing a write up about on here soon, first up will be the KOF:Fighting Evolution 10th.

Check back soon, as i'm hoping to do the write up on that within the next couple of days.

Friday 7 May 2010

Maxima Confirmed!

Once again the KOFXIII website has been updated revealing a member of the K' team as Maxima leaving just one more [?] box to be revealed on the character select screen, which will be the remaining member of the K' team.

Judging by his move list it looks like (but not being a Maxima player myself i'm not 100% sure) that he has his upwards cannon punch move from 02UM, a possibly new cannon punch in the air, and his super looks like it may well be the chest beam move.

The KOFXIII blog has also updated with a short gameplay demonstration video of Elizabeth along with a sort of Q&A regarding her.

Saturday 1 May 2010

Yuri's Costume Colours, Taiwanese Location Test Vids

As you may (or may not) have seen by now SNKP have put some time and effort into creating different coloured costumes for each character. (From what i understand each character has a total of ten colours.)

So far some of the ones that have really stood out to me have been Robert in a Terry colour scheme, Terry in a Robert colour scheme, Raiden in a Venom colour scheme, and i've read Kensou also has a Duo Lon colour scheme.

What is interesting though is Yuri's choice of colour also affects what kind of clothing she is wearing on her legs.

(Credit to Laban on SRK's forums for originally posting this image)

Also Taiwan has had a location test this past Friday, from what i've been reading there will also be another Location Test in Japan during this weekend so hopefully more videos will pop up fairly soon. No word on whether K' will be playable yet.

Check out the rest of the videos here.