
Tuesday 19 October 2010

Garou Densetsu: Memories of Stray Wolves

I had read about this short movie on SNK Wiki quite a while ago, but only today remembered to actually have a search for the video online.

For those who may not have heard of this, it is basically a rundown of all the events in the Fatal Fury universe up to Garou: MOTW. It was part of the 15th Anniversary of Fatal Fury CD Package.

Although the actual videos are in Japanese with no subs, you can read the basic plot summary of it on SNK Wiki.


From GrandMasterC23's Youtube Channel.


  1. I assume that you are aware that there is a vid of this style for King of Fighters as well (they where within the bonus features of KoF '94 Re-bout).... Well, they are actually 2 videos, one for the Orochi Arc and another one for the Nests one.

  2. I forgot about those, i watched it a bit when i first got 94RB but then wanted to play the game instead so exited and played the game lol.
